The Crucial Role of Staff Training

General 6 july 2023  - Roel Ruiken  - Annals of Medicine & Surger

Safe, stable working environments are fundamental for quality healthcare. However, the 2019 pandemic saw increased aggressive behavior (*1). Although freedom-restricting measures were necessary, they undoubtedly led to contention. At Frenzs, experts have been monitoring this alarming increase. When health is in jeopardy, stress and emotion are significant factors: patients and family members are sometimes highly charged and laden with expectations. Other triggers include inexperienced or anxious employees, poor coping mechanisms and lack of training (*2). Waiting times, inflexible visiting and lack of information add to this explosive mix. A National Nurses United survey (*3) reported that incidents of disruption and violence more than doubled in the year to March 2022 (up by 119 percent). The consequent toll on individual well-being highlighted the need to act.

Training programs

Management of aggressive behavior training empowers healthcare staff to deal with antagonism and difficult situations. Learning and practice opportunities include the following:

  • De-escalation skills
  • Personal safety strategies
  • Conflict resolution techniques
  • Cultural sensitivity awareness

Understanding the dynamics

Each course begins by exploring the different types of aggression. Staff can better anticipate and de-escalate problematic situations by recognizing the risks, triggers and signs.

Developing communication

This area covers interacting with aggressive individuals to defuse tension and limit escalation. Active listening, empathy and non-verbal communication are vital in establishing rapport and calming volatility.

Implementing safety

Aggression handling techniques include maintaining a safe distance, using appropriate body language and remaining aware of emergency escape routes. A proactive, safety-first mindset minimizes the risk of harm.

Enhancing skills

Although disputes are common in healthcare environments, conflict resolution involves addressing problems calmly and professionally. Open dialog and problem-solving skills are crucial to forestall difficulties or satisfy the parties involved.


Scenario practice and role-playing activities are excellent ways to prepare for these situations. Controlled exercises involve honing communication techniques to manage simulated aggression.

Understanding diversity

Staff training programs should cover cultural sensitivity and diversity training topics. An appreciation of different norms and behaviors reduces the possibility of misunderstandings. By promoting cultural competence, healthcare providers can create a more inclusive and respectful environment for patients from diverse backgrounds.

Ongoing development

Training on aggression management should be a continuous process rather than a one-off. Annual refresher courses impart the latest recommendations and techniques so teams remain up-to-date and can better adapt to evolving challenges.


Through purpose-designed courses, healthcare staff will be well-placed to prevent or deal with confrontation. Frenzs has partnered with the Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI), a leader in aggression management and prevention techniques. This partnership ensures guidance in the latest scientifically proven approaches and evidence-based methodologies. Similarly, course attendees can rely on CPI expertise based on the latest research and best practices designed to build confidence and boost effectiveness. During the sessions, experienced instructors show how to create safe, respectful healthcare environments before inviting participants to practice the necessary skills. Finally, fostering a secure and productive environment supports the delivery of high-quality healthcare. For providers, management of aggressive behavior with training from a trusted CPI partner shows commitment to the well-being of patients and professionals alike.


--Footnotes: 1) Ramzi, Z.S., Fatah, P.W. and Dalvandi, A. (2022) Prevalence of workplace violence against healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Frontiers in psychology. Available at: (Accessed: June 27, 2023). 2) Lim, M. C., Jeffree, M. S., Saupin, S. S., Giloi, N., & Lukman, K. A. (2022). Workplace violence in healthcare settings: The risk factors, implications and collaborative preventive measures. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 78. 3) Almost half of hospital nurses (48 percent) noted workplace violence, compared to 31 percent in September 2021 and 22 percent in March 2021. These figures represent a 57 percent rise since September 2021 and 119 percent since March 2021. Source: National Nurses United. "National Nurse Survey Reveals Significant Increases in Unsafe Staffing, Workplace Violence, and Moral Distress," May 2, 2022.

General 6 july 2023  - Roel Ruiken  - Annals of Medicine & Surger